On the 15 of September, at the age of 56 died Andrey Yuryevich Sklyarov.
This is something you cannot be prepared for. You cannot grasp it immediately. And it's grievously difficult to accept ...
Andrei Sklyarov was a founder and ideological leader of the "Laboratory of Alternative History", author of dozens of books and films that changed the views of thousands of people in Russia and abroad on the ancient history, architecture, archeology and paleogeography. He was the man who devoted himself to the search for physical evidence of an ancient advanced civilization on our planet.
He was firmly vindicating his ideas from the perspective of an experimental physicist, always relying only on the actual researh results, without compromise and without looking at the authorities, he has shaken prevailing scientific theory.
He taught us to ask uncomfortable questions, to think, to analyze and to build the system anew. "If the facts contradict with the theory, it is necessary to throw out the theory, not the fact" - was his saying.
We will all miss him. Relatives, friends, colleagues, associates ... those who were "pros" and "against", who hotly debated, argued, sometimes hoarse ... We will miss his interviews and debates, his new books, ideas, projects. We will always feel a huge gratitude for his Idea, his Work, and for cherished Memory - as long as we are alive.
For those who want to provide financial support for the family of Andrei Sklyarov, you can transfer money to his son, Maksim.
1. Bank card transfer
Bank: VTB 24 / VISA
Card N: 4272 3000 1126 7025
Payment receiver: Maksim Lyamenkov
2. Bank transfer
Beneficiary Bank: VTB 24 (PJSC),Moscow,Russia; SWIFT:CBGURUMM;
Intermediary Bank: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, N.Y.,USA; SWIFT:BKTRUS33;
Correspondent account in Intermediary Bank: 04413603;
Beneficiary Customer: Beneficiary's name: VTB 24 (PJSC) Beneficiary's account: 47422840100000000677;
Payment details: Beneficiary’s account: 40817840826001006867 Beneficiary’s name: Lyamenkov Maksim Viktorovich
3. PayPal